The Fattoria di Caspri can be visited by appointment. Have you heard about our biodynamic wine and you’d like to taste it? We will be happy to show you around our vineyards, cellars and vegetable gardens.
Bertrand Habsiger
The Estate:
Fattoria di Caspri Soc. Agr. srl
Via di Caspri 1 – Loc. Rendola
52025 – Montevarchi (AR) Italia
Head Office:
Fattoria di Caspri Soc. Agr. srl
192, via Masaccio
50132, Florence – Italy
Tel. 055 257 604 83
Agents |
Address |
Contacts |
WINO IMPORTATION INC | 102 – 8460, Chemin Darnley H4T MONT ROYAL (QC) CA | 514 679 9466 info@winoimport.com www.winoimport.com |
Agent | Address | Contacts |
AU FIL DU VIN LIBRE | 26 QUAI DES BATELIERS 67000 STRASBOURG | T. 03 88 35 12 09 jean.aufilduvinlibre@orange.fr |
Agents | Address | Contacts |
Caspri – Caspri & Co | Via di Caspri 1 – via di Caspri 2 Fraz. Rendola 52025 – Montevarchi (AR) | T. + 39 328 121 93 34 office@fattoriadicaspri.com |
Agents | Address | Contacts |
BLISS MX VINOS NATURALES | Mexico | T. +52 551 951 3221 ricjlvintnatural@gmail.com |
Agents |
Address |
Contacts |
Cr Wines | Dijkzichtwey, 9 8028 PC Zwolle | T. + 31 64544 7978 |
Agents | Address | Contacts |
Viktor Djurdjevic – VD Wines AB | Batsmanskroken 30, 129 40 HAGERSTEN | T. +46 73 565 74 01 viktor@vdwines.se www.vdwines.se |
Agents |
Address |
Contacts |
Super Mountain Company | Cho D’Punt 10, 7503 Samedan | contact@superstmoritz.com |
Wim Koch and Edouard Thorens Mario, The Bottle Shop | Nietengasse 7, 8004 Zurigo | T. +41 78 803 17 09; T. +41 79 629 62 69 |
Fattoria di Caspri | T. +33 6 38 50 45 81; office@fattoriadicaspri.com |
Agents | Address | Contacts |
Vinos De v-Enology S.L | Enric Prat De La Riba 2 08830 Sant Boi Del Llobregat Barcellona | T. +34 933 037 615 web@mammafiore.eu |
Agents |
Address |
Contacts |
Bliss Wine Imports | 551 Technology way NAPA, CA 94558 – USA | info@blisswineimports.com |
Field Blend Selections | 1133 Broadway, Suite 1405 New York, NY 10010 – USA | T. +1 646 998 3414 |
Restaurants & hotels
Name |
Address |
Contacts |
Restaurant Maximilien | 19a route d’Ostheim 68340 Zellenberg | T. + 33 3 89 47 99 69 |
Name |
Address |
Contacts |
Bottega di Duddova, di Fuccini Leonardo | Via San Martino 52021 Duddova – Bucine (AR) | T. +39 055 9917112 F. +39 055 981354 vallesanta@hotmail.it |
Locanda Cuccuini | Via Caduti 32 52022 Cavriglia (AR) | T. +39 055 916 64 19 M. +39 33 94 08 56 99 cuccuini@val.it |
Antiche carampane | Rio Terà de le Carampane, 1911 30125 Sestiere San Polo Venezia | T. +39 041 524 0165 www.antichecarampane.com |
Pierluigi | Piazza de’ Ricci, 144 00186 Roma | T. +39 06 686 8717 www.pierluigi.it |
Altroieri | Via Poggio San Marco 132 52025 Montevarchi (AR) | T. +39 371 367 70 05 www.laltroieri.com |
Aromaticus Trastevere | Via Natale del Grande 6/7 00153 Roma | T. +39 06 8879 83 81 info@aromaticus.it www.aromaticus.it |
Grappolo d’Oro | Piazza Della Cancelleria 80 00186 Roma | T. +39 66 89 70 80 info@hosteriagrappolodoro.it www.hosteriagrappolodoro.it |
Trattoria Cubana | Via Molo Dalmazia 37 48122 Ravenna (RA) | T. +39 544 53 02 31 info@trattoriacubana.it www.trattoriacubana.it |
L’altroieri | Via Poggio San Marco 132 52025 – Montevarchi (AR) | T. +39 347 475 800 info@laltroieri.com www.laltroieri.com |
Fischio | Piazzale Degli Eroi, 00136 ROMA | T. +39 342 529 0533 Instagram: @fischioroma |
Maccaré | Via Dei Pastori 24, 00057 Maccarese (RM) | T. +39 06 667 8286 Instagram: @maccare |
La Barrique | Via Del Boschetto 41B, 00184 ROMA | T. +39 06 667 8286 Instagram: @labarriquemonti |
Name |
Address |
Contacts |
Villa Flor | Somvih 19 7525 S-chanf | T. +41 81 851 22 30 info@villaflor.ch www.villaflor.ch |
Roth Bar at Hauser & Wirth | Via Serlas 22, 7500 St. Moritz | contact@superstmoritz.com |