The estate of ten hectares vineyards are the true stars at the Caspri farm. Its particular position, the composition of soil and the semi-continental climate, drenched by a pleasant marine influence, embed to each bunch of grapes a unique and recognizable taste. A sort of trademark which gives to each Caspri wine an unforgettable flavor.

Even though Caspri now remembers it closely, this farm has not always been the Eden we can see today. At the start of our adventure, started in 2005, the soil was arid and hard, poor in minerals or in any other substance suitable for crop. It took patience and a deep knowledge of biodynamic farming techniques to transform an unproductive soil into a thriving patch where many varieties of vines are now grown.
Our wine comes from the cultivation of traditional vines, able to portray the best expression of Tuscan wines, such as Canaiolo, Ciliegiolo and Sangiovese for the reds, Malvasia and Trabbiano for the whites. Recently we have tried to widen our cultivation experimenting the adaptation of different vines not properly native of this area, such as Syrah, Grenache and Pinot Noir, always obtaining remarkable results.
Caspri vineyards

Casperius’ vines

Aretine Valdarno

Caspri inizia la sua storia intorno al I secolo d.C., quando il terreno fu di proprietà del senatore Aelianus Casperius e da cui mutuò il nome. Del senatore sappiamo che fu prefetto del pretorio sotto gli imperatori Domiziano e Nerva. La presenza romana in questi luoghi è attestata dal recente ritrovamento di una parte della Cassia a poca distanza dal confine della tenuta. Successivamente si ritrova la Tenuta nei Catasti Leopoldini del 1821, i cui confini erano già molto simili a quelli odierni.
Passata di mano in mano nel corso di molte generazioni, è giunta quasi invariata fino al 2005, quando l’artista e collezionista svizzera Suzanne Syz, ne è diventata proprietaria.
Dal 2006 la tenuta è gestita da Bertrand Habsiger, noto winemaker alsaziano che qui è stato capace di creare dei vini biodinamici assolutamente unici, come il Luna Blu o il Poggio Cuccule.

Valdarno is a wide valley sited at the edge of the Chianti area, and it’s a great location for numerous plantations. This flatland area was for a long time owned by Count Bettino Ricasoli, a powerful and influential figure of the Kingdom of Italy. Ricasoli was a wine enthusiast and an innovator of the wine industry: the world reputation of Chianti wine is entirely due to him. Right in the strip of land that separates the Valdarno valley from the Chianti area is where the Fattoria di Caspri is located.
Since the beginning of our business in 2006, we have decided to practice an environmentally friendly viticulture throughout the estate, according to the principles imposed by biodynamics. The vines and soils are treated with herbal teas and decoctions based on plant extracts. This ecourages the development of a good vegetative process and limit the rise of parasites

Let’s keep in touch!
The Caspri farm is open by appointment, and we look forward to receive visitors and representatives. Have you heard about our biodynamic wine and you’d like to taste it? Schedule an appointment with us and we will be happy to show you around the estate and the cellars.